How Vision Relates to Goals

Vision and Setting Goals

Vision Comes Before Goals

People are often more concerned about trying to do what they think others want them to rather than figuring out what is truly important to them. Those who find meaning have a profound impact on the world. Unfortunately, we tend to skip a step when working towards a meaningful life. Skipping this essential step can make it difficult for us to have the focus necessary to reach our true capabilities. A story that illustrates this point is about a fisherman and a businessman.

A fisherman enjoyed a simple life of fishing enough to take care of his family. After catching what was needed, he would spend the rest of the day with his family. One day, a businessman who was on vacation met the fisherman. The businessman shared his business knowledge, suggesting that the fisherman should work harder and turn his small fishing practice into a big business.

The businessman continues to expound on his ideas suggesting the increased income could afford a larger boat. This larger boat would accommodate a larger crew. In addition, with the increased profits, he could purchase more giant nets and catch more fish.

As the businessman continued to expound on these ideas, the fisherman continued to ask how this would benefit him. Finally, the businessman suggests that all this work would allow the fishermen to retire early, so he could spend his days fishing and spending time with his family.

The businessman had reasonable goals that would lead to a successful business. However, he missed the point entirely. The fisherman Already had what he wanted. He was already living a fulfilling life.

Why You Must Start with Vision

Having a clear vision is crucial when it comes to setting goals. Goals give you direction and purpose, but without a clear picture, they can lack meaning and be challenging to achieve. Therefore, you must have a big-picture view of what you want to achieve and why it's essential.

In Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland, Alice becomes lost and asks the Cheshire Cat, "Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?" He responds, "That depends a good deal on where you want to get to." Alice then says, " I don't much care where." in response, the cat says, "Then it doesn't much matter which way you go."

When you have a vision, you clearly understand where you hope to go and why you want to get there. Your vision gives you a sense of purpose and helps you stay motivated, even when challenges arise. Seeing also allows you to stay focused on the big picture rather than getting lost in the details of day-to-day tasks.

Setting goals without a vision can lead to pursuits that don't align with your overall aspirations or values. You may achieve your goals but feel less fulfilled and satisfied when this happens. You may need to catch up, or your efforts could have improved. On the other hand, when you set goals that align with your vision, you are more likely to achieve fulfilling and meaningful success.

Five Steps to Creating a Vision

  1. Understand Your Values

    understanding your values is critical. Values guide our actions. And those things we esteem most will precede over those we value less. For example, you may live by principles of health and frugality, but these values oppose when you're trying to buy groceries. A more nutritious item may cost more. And if you value your frugality more than your health, you may choose to spend less even if you are giving up the option of better nutrition.

  2. Define Your Purpose

    People often set goals before they define a purpose. But how do you expect to conquer obstacles that will undoubtedly come your way without knowing why you want to achieve your objective in the first place?

    Consider what drives you. What is your passion? What is important to you? What would you like to contribute to the world? What values do you stand for? Answering these questions can help you define your purpose and create a vision that aligns with your values and aspirations.

  3. Envision Your Future

    Why even consider pursuing something you can't imagine achieving? The world's great art, architecture, and engineering didn't happen by chance. Michelangelo didn't prepare for every stroke of the chisel when carving his many sculptures, but he had a conception of what he would become of the slab of stone.

    Imagine your life one, five, or even twenty years from now. What will you be doing? What impact will you have? Envisioning your ideal future can help create a vision that motivates and inspires you.

  4. Create a Plan

    Once you have a clear vision, create a plan for achieving your goals. Then, break down your intention into smaller, actionable steps.

    a. Set deadlines

    b. Create a timeline

    c. Seek accountability

    Taking these steps will help you stay focused.

  5. Review and Revise

    Regularly review and adjust your vision as you work toward your goals. Your aspirations may change as you gain new experiences or knowledge, and it's essential to ensure that your aspirations align with your vision. In addition, your knowledge and understanding may change your perspective.


A clear vision is essential to setting meaningful, fulfilling goals. It should align with your values and aspirations. Creating a clear vision allows alignment of your motivation and focus. This alignment can keep you on track to achieving your goals.


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